Sri . Thillasthanam Swamy Kainkarya Sabha , Bangalore
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Swanishte : One who has full knowledge of Saranagathi and has realized God , can do saranagathi directly to Lord.
Uktinishte : One who cannot do Swanishte , should approach an "Acharya "or teacher and request his guidance. Acharya recites sentences conveying full surrender , and the sentences uttered by Acharya are repeated by the individual.
Acharyanishte : One who cannot do any of the above methods , will surrender to the Acharya himself.
Panchasamskara are five purificatory ceremonies which one should go through to become a Srivaishnava . These are performed by one's Acharya. They are
Embossing the impressions of conch ( Sankha ) and wheel ( Chakra ) on the left and right arms by an Acharya.
Wearing twelve Srivaishnava marks on the body reciting appropriate names of the Lord as taught by Acharya.
Adding " Dasa " to one's name.
Learning from the Acharya the three Srivaishnava mantras with their invocatory slokas. The three Srivaishnava mantras are
Charama Sloka
This is an important Samskara and should be performed with full devotion .These mantras connote Saranagathi . Chanting these mantras with devotion everyday will enable to earn the grace of the Lord.
Learning of " Aradhana " or worship of the Lord.